ACE Phones

ACE Phones

ACE Phones
Web Design and Developmnet
22 December, 2023
25 December 2023

Client Overview

ACE Phones are “friendly” phones designed to be your everyday companion. Unlike traditional, cold, and technological gadgets, ACE Phones are efficient, friendly, and warm products. The brand is young, accessible, and dynamic, meeting the telephony needs of a wide audience, including students, working professionals, and individuals aged 15 to 70.


ACE Phones approached IBT with the challenge of enhancing their online presence. Their existing website was outdated, difficult to navigate, and did not effectively communicate the brand’s unique value proposition of being friendly and warm. Additionally, the website was not mobile-friendly and lacked modern design elements that resonate with their diverse target audience.


IBT redesigned the ACE Phones website with a focus on user experience and brand identity. Key improvements included:

  1. Modern Design: A fresh, modern design that reflects the youthful and dynamic nature of ACE Phones. This included a clean, visually appealing layout with vibrant colors and engaging visuals.
  2. User-Friendly Navigation: Simplified navigation to ensure that visitors can easily find information about products and services.
  3. Mobile Optimization: Ensured that the website is fully responsive and looks great on all devices, from smartphones to tablets and desktops.
  4. Brand Storytelling: Enhanced content that tells the story of ACE Phones, highlighting their friendly and warm approach to technology.
  5. Interactive Features: Added interactive elements such as customer reviews, product comparison tools, and engaging call-to-actions to improve user engagement.


  • Increased Traffic: Website traffic increased by 40% within the first three months post-launch.
  • Enhanced User Engagement: Average session duration improved by 50%, indicating that visitors are spending more time exploring the site.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Conversion rates for product inquiries and purchases increased by 35%.
  • Improved Mobile Experience: Mobile bounce rate decreased by 25%, showing that the mobile optimization efforts were successful.

Client’s Testimonial

We are thrilled with the new website designed by IBT. They truly captured the essence of our brand and created a user-friendly, engaging online presence. Our customers love the new look and feel, and we have seen significant improvements in traffic and conversions. IBT exceeded our expectations and delivered a fantastic product.


The collaboration between ACE Phones and IBT resulted in a successful website redesign that not only modernized the brand’s online presence but also significantly improved user engagement and conversion rates. IBT’s expertise in web design and their understanding of ACE Phones’ unique brand identity were key to this success. ACE Phones now has a website that truly reflects its values and connects with its diverse audience.

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+92 53 219 1056
+92 328 563 9078


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